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Closed - First draft Local Plan consultation (13 March - 8 May 2024)

Consultation on the first draft Local Plan opened on 13 March 2024 and closed at 23:59 on 08 May 2024. 

The consultation sought your views on the draft Local Plan and evidence base, invited submissions of sites from landowners for gypsy and traveller provision, provided an opportunity to submit further sites to be considered for Local Green Space designation and sought views on the potential introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (opens new window).

The consultation also sought views on potential sites for development that could be allocated for new housing, commercial and other types of development and help meet development needs. The borough council will now consider and assess the comments received during the consultation period before consulting upon the final draft Local Plan.  A timetable for the preparation of Local Plan documents is set out in the Local development scheme.


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