Closed: Draft Housing Investment Plan consultation (18 December 2024 - 23 January 2025)
Thank you for showing an interest in the draft housing investment plan. The consultation has now closed and we will share the feedback and update on the progress of the plan on our website once available.
Great Yarmouth Borough Council (GYBC) is creating a Housing Investment Plan to guide the way it spends its budget on maintaining and improving Council homes and estates over the next five years.
The draft plan outlines various investment options for existing and new Council homes, along with their costs. However, we must make choices on spending, and we are seeking your views on what is important to you.
Although there are choices to be made, we will always:
- ensure homes are safe, complying with all regulations, including fire safety and carrying out compliance inspections such as annual gas boiler servicing
- ensure homes meet the Government's Decent Homes Standard
- use proceeds from Right to Buy sales to fund new Council homes
As choices will need to be made, we would welcome your views, such as how often to replace kitchens and bathrooms, which will impact other spending areas,
After the consultation, we will finalise the Housing Investment Plan, which will guide these investments for the next five years. We will also develop and publish three-year capital programs to show where we will be investing and what improvements we will be delivering.